アンデスチュウヒ (Circus cinereus)

アンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereusアンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereus

2014年1月8日、アルゼンチンのカラファテに行きました。街から歩いて20分くらいの所にニメス湖(Laguna Nimez)があります。 大きいアルゼンチン湖の浅瀬湿地帯のようですが、現在は独立した小さい湖と湿地帯になっています。 鳥類が住む良い環境のようで国立大学が管理し、入り口には管理棟があり入園料1人90ペソを払って入園します。 それほど広くない割には多くの小鳥、水鳥、猛禽類(全40数種類)が住みついています。 空を飛んでいた1羽のタカが地上に降りてきました。距離は10mくらいかな、こちらを見たがあまり気にしていない様子です。

January 8, 2014, I went to El Calafate, Argentina. There is Nimez lake (Laguna Nimez) in place of about 20 minutes walk from the city. It seems to be wetlands and shallow waters of a large Argentina Lake, bit it has become wetlands and small lakes that are independent now. This place is managed by National University because it is a good environment for birds to live. There is an administration hut at the entrance and entrance fee is 90 pesos per person. Many birds, waterfowl and raptors (total of 40 or more species) have settled in here though this place is not very large. A hawk has come down to the ground from the sky in front of me with about 10 m distance. It has seen me but with least consciousness.

(Laguna Nimez in El Calafate, Argentina, 2014/1/8-10:32, SX50)


アンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereusアンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereus

ニメス湖(Laguna Nimez)の湖面には多くの水鳥が平和そうに浮いていますが、空には猛禽類の飛ぶ姿がありました。 猛禽類はここに住む小鳥も餌にしているのでしょう。
Many waterfowls were floating peacefully on the surface of Nimez lake (Laguna Nimez), but there were flying figures of birds of prey in the sky. The birds of prey may be feeding also small birds here.

(Laguna Nimez in El Calafate, Argentina, 2014/1/8-10:19, 10:22, SX50)


アンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereusアンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereus

Raptors that are swirling while flying are not only one species. I can see some extent the pattern of the feathers since it is flying relatively close. If the lens of the camera were more brighter I could take the flying figure a little more clearly.

(Laguna Nimez in El Calafate, Argentina, 2014/1/8-10:22, 10:23, SX50)


アンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereusアンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereus

Pattern of the wings can be seen clearly, and the bird is issuing some sound while flying.

(Laguna Nimez in El Calafate, Argentina, 2014/1/8-10:29, 10:30, SX50)


アンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereusアンデスチュウヒ, Circus cinereus

It is difficult to take photos of flying bird. A hawk has come down to the ground from the sky in front of me with about 10 m distance. It has seen me but with least consciousness. It is since I took photo of burrowing owl that I could take photo of wild birds of prey so closely. The raptor may be Cinereous Harrier from this figure.

(Laguna Nimez in El Calafate, Argentina, 2014/1/8-10:32, SX50)



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