アンデスノスリ (Geranoaetus polyosoma)

アンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosomaアンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosoma

2014年7月13日、聖なる谷のツアーに出かけた。最初、Animal Sanctuary of Ccochawasiに立寄った。ここは大きくはないが重要な動物保護施設だ。近くの山の上空を野生のタカが2羽上昇気流に乗って飛んでいた。ツアーガイドいわく「タカが現れたのは歓迎のしるしで、それは幸運を意味します」。
July 13, 2014, we went on a tour of the Sacred Valley. First, we dropped in at Animal Sanctuary of Ccochawasi. This place is not large but an important animal sanctuary. Two wild hawks were flying over the nearby mountains riding on the updraft. “Hawk showing up is a sign of welcome, it means good luck,” said the tour guide.

(ペルー国 2014/07/13 10:33, SX50)


アンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosomaアンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosoma

Rear of the wings and belly of a hawk is almost white. The flying figure is elegant.
(ペルー国 2014/07/13-09:36, 09:37, SX50)


アンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosomaアンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosoma

Rear of the wings of another hawk is whitish with brown front part.
(ペルー国 2014/07/13-09:37, 09:38, SX50)


アンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosomaアンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosoma

I think they are the same species even if there is difference in color by comparison. I wonder they are Harris Hawk?
(ペルー国 2014/07/13-09:37, 09:39, SX50)


アンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosomaアンデスノスリ, Geranoaetus polyosoma

(ペルー国 2014/07/13 10:39, 10:40, SX50)


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