シロガオリュウキュウガモ (Dendrocygna viduata)

シロガオリュウキュウガモ, Dendrocygna viduata シロガオリュウキュウガモ, Dendrocygna viduata

2014年9月13-14日、パラグアイ南部の広大な牧場、La Estancia La Gracielaへの野鳥観察ツアーに参加した。初日、昼食後に宿泊所近くの池周辺を散策した。 池に体が茶色っぽく、顔が白いカモが2羽いた。私達が池に近づくとカモは警戒して草原に移動した。 このカモは特徴のある配色からシロガオリュウキュウガモと分かった。
September 13 to 14, 2014, I participated in the birding tour to the vast ranch in southern Paraguay, “La Estancia La Graciela”. On the first day after lunch we explored around the pond close to the accommodation. There were two ducks in the pond whose body was brownish and face was white. The ducks moved to grassland on alert as we approached the pond. The duck was found to be White-faced whistling duck from its specific color scheme.

(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/13-15:50, SX50)


シロガオリュウキュウガモ, Dendrocygna viduata シロガオリュウキュウガモ, Dendrocygna viduata

On the first day after lunch we explored around the pond close to the accommodation. There were two ducks in the pond whose body was brownish and face was white. The ducks moved to grassland on alert as we approached the pond.

(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/13-15:49, 15:50, SX50)


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