アカエリトラフサギ, Tigrisoma lineatum

突然飛んできたトラフサギ, A heron which flew suddenly

緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde) 緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde)


緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde) 緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde)

2015年12月27日、緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde) を散歩した。 アスンシオン中心街からバスで15分位の所に大きい庭園と動物園がある(JARDIN BOTANICO Y ZOOLOGICO)。 この場所はパラグアイ川に近い。庭園と道路を挟んで公園があったので歩いて見た。
On December 27, 2015, I strolled in Green Capital Park. There is a big plant garden and zoo at about 15 minutes from the Asuncion city center by bus. This place is near the Paraguay River. There was the park across the road from the garden and then I strolled in.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 08:58, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


アカエリトラフサギ, Tigrisoma lineatum アカエリトラフサギ, Tigrisoma lineatum

The northwestern part of the park contacted with the Paraguay River. Intermittent rain continued and water level of the Paraguay river rose, and the low land of the park was buried in water.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 09:09, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


アカエリトラフサギ, Tigrisoma lineatum アカエリトラフサギ, Tigrisoma lineatum

Since a small heron flew suddenly I took photos of it. I thought whether it was Striated heron, but it was Rufescent tiger heron to see for the first time because the plumage was brownish when I saw the photos.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 09:16, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


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