ユキコサギ (Egretta thula)

純白のユキコサギ (Snowy egret in Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay)

ユキコサギ (Egretta thula) ユキコサギ (Egretta thula)

このシラサギはダイサギより小さく羽毛は純白、くちばしと脚が黒っぽく足の指は黄色い。この特徴からユキコサギと思われる。 サギは水面から何かをつまみ上げた。
As for this white heron, the feather is snow-white, smaller than the Great egret, the bill and the leg are blackish, and the toes are yellow. The bird seems to be Snowy egret from these characteristics. The heron picked something up from the surface of the water.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:24, August 29, 2015, D810)


ユキコサギ (Egretta thula) ユキコサギ (Egretta thula)

The heron has something in its mouth, but does not seem to be going to eat it. Is it something like plastic object?

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:24, August 29, 2015, D810)


ユキコサギ (Egretta thula) ユキコサギ (Egretta thula)

The heron picked at the backward surface of the water this time. But it seems to have picked up nothing.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, August 29, 2015, D810)


ユキコサギ (Egretta thula) ユキコサギ (Egretta thula)

Wikipedea: At one time, the beautiful plumes of the snowy egret were in great demand by market hunters as decorations for women's hats. This reduced the population of the species to dangerously low levels. Now protected in the United States by law, under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, this bird's population has rebounded.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, August 29, 2015, D810)


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