ササゴイ (Butorides striata)

ニュワス公園のササゴイ(Striated heron at Parque Ñu Guazu)

ササゴイ, Butorides striata ササゴイ, Butorides striata

ニュワス公園(Parque Nuguazu)にある池の水辺で1羽のサギが魚をねらっていた。
A heron was aimed at the fish at the waterside of the pond in Nyuwas park.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/10/04-10:06, SX50)


ササゴイ, Butorides striata ササゴイ, Butorides striata

池の水辺には草が茂りサギにとって良い狩場になっている。以前、ここにはダイサギが来ていた。 首の短いこのサギは世界に広く分布するササゴイのようだ。
Tall grasses grow here and this place is a good hunting ground for heron. Previously, Great egret had come here. This heron with short neck seems Striated heron widely distributed in the world.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/10/04-09:58, SX50)


ササゴイ, Butorides striata ササゴイ, Butorides striata

The heron has moved a little. I have also moved to try to avoid the backlight condition.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/10/04-10:06, SX50)


ササゴイ, Butorides striata ササゴイ, Butorides striata

サギが撮影に良い位置に移動してくれた。私を気にしないで魚をねらっている。 ダイサギやササゴイはなぜ世界中に分布するのだろう?魚を追ってどこにでも空中移動できるのだろうか?
The heron has moved to a good position to shoot, thanks. It is aiming at the fish with no bothering of me. Why Great egret and Striated heron distribute around the world? I wonder they can fly anywhere chasing the fish?

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/10/04-10:06, SX50)


あっ、ササゴイが飛んでる! (Oh, a flying heron, Striated heron!)

ササゴイ (Striated heron) ササゴイ (Striated heron)

2015年10月17日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。メトロポリタン公園の湖散歩道を歩いて行くとプリンシパル湖がある。 自然状態の湖と湿地帯が広がる。この湖の岸に着いた時、水面上を1羽のサギが一直線上に飛んできた。
On October 17, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and Guazu Metropolitano Park. Walking the Lake promenade I reached Principals Lake. I saw a natural lake and the damp area of natural environment. When I arrived at the bank of the lake, a heron flew on a straight line on the surface of the water.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, October 17, 2015, D810)


ササゴイ (Striated heron) ササゴイ (Striated heron)

Oh! Striated heron, I pressed the shutter at once. Good, well focused, I was able to take photos of the flying Striated heron for the first time.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, October 17, 2015, D810)


ササゴイ (Striated heron) ササゴイ (Striated heron)

Striated heron has the excellent wing which is hard to imagine from a figure standing in the waterside at a fish. The flying figure is also very elegant.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, October 17, 2015, D810)


ササゴイ (Striated heron) ササゴイ (Striated heron)

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, October 17, 2015, D810)


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