ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

早起きは三文の徳、ヤマセミを撮れた (The early photographer caught the Kingfisher.)

ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

2015年6月27日、曇り時々晴れ。いつものようにニュワス公園を5kmのジョギングコースに沿って散歩した。 今日はいつもより30分くらい早くついた。大きい池の展望台近くに行くとカイツブリが2羽ゆっくり水に浮いていた。もう食事は終わったようだ。 展望台の手すりに小鳥が止まっていたのでカメラを向けた。ヤマセミだ!
On June 27, 2015, it was cloudy and sometimes fine. I strolled in Nu Guazu Park as usual along the jogging course of 5km. I arrived here about 30 minutes earlier than usual today. Two grebes were floating quietly on the water when I went near the gazebo of the big pond. Since a small bird perched on the handrail of the gazebo I pointed the camera to it. Oh! It is a Kingfisher.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:48, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

ヤマセミだ!これまでこの公園で2,3回チラッと見たことがあったが写真に撮れなかった。 逆光ぎみで撮影条件は悪いが念願の写真を撮れるチャンスだ。
Oh! It is a Kingfisher. I had glanced at it two or three times in this park, but could not catch by my camera. It was not in good condition of near half backlight, but it was a chance to be able to take a long-cherished photos.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:48, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:48, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:49, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:49, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

約2分後、ヤマセミは飛立ち空中でホバリングをした。魚目がけてダイブしたようだが見晴らし台にさえぎられて見えなかった。 ホバリングしている写真も撮れた。喉に赤っぽい帯があるのでオスのようだ。
The Kingfisher flew away after about 2 minutes and hovered in the air. It seemed to make a dive at a fish, but I could not see it by shutting out in the gazebo. I could take photos of hovering of the bird.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:50, June 27, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

ミドリヤマセミとオオミドリヤマセミは大きさが違うだけで大変似ている。 このヤマセミはハトより小さく見えたのでミドリヤマセミだろう。この日は私にとって「早起きは三文の徳」だった。
Green kingfisher and Amazon kingfisher are similar very much only by size being different. Because this bird seemed smaller than a dove, it may be the Green kingfisher. This day, it was “The early bird catches the worm.” for me.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:50, June 27, 2015, D810)


ヤマセミの魚捕り (Fishing of a Kingfisher)

ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana) ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

2015年10月31日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するもう一つの大きい公園であるGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。 両公園の間には川が流れていて橋を渡って往来できる。橋を渡っている時、1羽のヤマセミが水面近くの木の枝に止っているのに気付いた。

On October 24, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park which was another big park contracted northwest of Nu Guazu Park. A river flows between both parks and you can come and go across the bridge. When I crossed the bridge, I noticed one kingfisher perched on a twig close to the surface of the water.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:20, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher had been looking at the surface of the water with almost no moving, but the bird moved a little when about 2 minutes passed.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:20, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The surface of the river did not seem to have the signs of fish, and the kingfisher opened the wing as if it untied the body.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:22, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfishe seemed to give up fishing here, and then it called a little and flew away.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:22, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher was flying close to the surface of the water. The surface of the water looks whitish for cloudy sky. The kingfisher rose in bank neighborhood to fly over the forest.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:22, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

ヤマセミはNu Guazu公園の方向に飛んでいったのでその公園の大きい池に行って見た。やはりここにいた、しかも2羽見晴らし台の手すりに止っていた。

I went to the big pond of Nu Guaz park because the kingfisher flew away to the direction of the Park. After all the bird was here, two kingfishers were perched on the handrail of the gazebo.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


All of a sudden, one kingfisher flew up and hovered in the air then made a dive at a fish. I was able to take photos after having dived. Spray beaks out and the whole body of the bird is in water. The bird has immediately surfaced; it has a fish to the bill.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher has a fish in its bill and flew up in the air from the surface of the water.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


This bird seems to be the male Green kingfisher since it has a reddish tie on the throat

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher came back to the gazebo which it flew away a little before. There are a male on the right which has a fish in its bill and a female (or young) on the left of the handrail. Because they are closer than before the shape of a fish is visible.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The male kingfishe gave the fish to the kingfisher on the left. Is it a present to a female? There is a black spot in the basal part of the tail fin of the fish. I see this fish swimming a lot in this pond. The kingfisher is striking the fish onto the handrail to be easy to swallow it. This is the normal manner of the kingfisher.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:51, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher flew close to the surface of the water while having a fish and came back to the gazebo which it flew away a little before.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:51, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The fish is slightly bigger than the bill of the kingfisher. The bird does not seem to swallow the fish at once.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:52, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher swallowed a big fish and seemed to be painfull, but is it not so?

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:52, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)


The kingfisher swallowed a fish for approcimately two minutes after it had in its bill. I left the place afterwards because the kingfisher seemed to take a rest for a while.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:52, Oct. 31, 2015, D810)


ヤマセミの季節? (Season of the Kingfisher?)

ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

On November 7, 2015, I encountered the Kingfisher following the last week. When I crossed the bridge that divided two big parks, I noticed one kingfisher perched on a twig of the bank of the river. It was the Green kingfisher of small body.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:32, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:33, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

When I was looking at it, the Kingfisher suddenly jumped towards the surface of the river water. The action of the Kingfisher was too sudden to be able to confirm whether it caught a fish or did not. I could take photos of the Kingfisher until it dived this time and after it dived and caught fish last time. I come across the Kingfisher well recently. Is it the season of the Kingfisher?

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:33, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)


ミドリヤマセミ (Chloroceryle americana)

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:33, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)



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