アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

ニュワス公園のアマゾンカッコウ - 1 (Guira cuckoo in Parque Ñu Guazu - 1)

アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

On April 19, 2015, I strolled in Ñu Guazu Park as usual along the jogging course of 5km. Two Guira cuckoo were perching on a branch of a small tree.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:02, April 19, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

The cuckoo had been hidden in the leaves, but became visible since it moved to the branch below. The bird sometimes called unmistakable for being long and shrill.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:02, April 19, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

The cuckoo showed rear view, tail feathers are pretty long, also faced front.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:03, April 19, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

The Guira cuckoo is rather shaggy-looking and has a look such as the feathered dinosaur.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:04, April 19, 2015, D810)


ニュワス公園のアマゾンカッコウ - 2 (Guira cuckoo in Parque Ñu Guazu - 2)

アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

2015年5月9日、曇り、いつものようにニュワス公園を5kmのジョギングコースに沿って散歩した。 大きい池のほとりにある枯れた木の枝に2羽のアマゾンカッコウが止っていた。木の葉に邪魔されないので鳥の全身が見えた。 なんとなく始祖鳥を連想させるような鳥だ。
On May 9, 2015, it was cloudy. I strolled in Ñu Guazu Park as usual along the jogging course of 5km. Two Guira cuckoos were perching on the branch of a dead tree on the banks of the big pond in the park. I saw the whole body of the bird because it was not disturbed on leaves. It is a bird suggesting somehow the archaeopteryx.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:30, May 9, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

Relatively long tail feathers usually hang down by weight, but turn up a little when it calls. Then, the posture becomes like a Japanese cuckoo.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:31, May 9, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

Guira cuckoo is greatly different from Japanese cuckoo: The guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is a social and non-parasitic cuckoo. Therefore their sociality is very strong.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:31, May 9, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウの飛翔 (Flying figure of Guira cuckoo)

アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

On June 20, 2015, there were a flock of Guira cuckoos on the branches of a tall tree when I went to Nu Guazu Park. Since there is the jogging track under the tree, the birds flew toward another tree when people came jogging near the tree.

?(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 09:47, June 20, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

As the Guira cuckoo has long tail feathers and is not an accomplished flier, the flying figure is like a glider and reminds me of the archaeopteryx.

?(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 09:47, June 20, 2015, D810)


アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira) アマゾンカッコウ (Guira guira)

Wikipedia: As it is not an accomplished flier, mostly gliding or hopping from one perch to another it acts as an opportunistic predator, gathering small prey items on the ground or searching for them among branches.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 09:47, June 20, 2015, D810)


アルゼンチンのアマゾンカッコウ(Guira cuckoo in Argentina)

アマゾンカッコウ, Guira guira アマゾンカッコウ

アマゾンカッコウ3羽が庭で餌を捕っている。 (アルゼンチン国プエルタ・イグアス 2013/10/30-18:01, SX50)


アマゾンカッコウ, Guira guira アマゾンカッコウ

アマゾンカッコウ3羽が庭で餌を捕っている。 (アルゼンチン国プエルタ・イグアス 2013/10/30-18:01, 18:02, SX50)


アマゾンカッコウ アマゾンカッコウ

(アルゼンチン国プエルタ・イグアス 2013/10/30-18:02, 18:03, SX50)


CITEC in Luque, Paraguay のアマゾンカッコウ(Guira cuckoo at CITEC in Luque, Paraguay)

pajaro18 pajaro18

2013年4月26日、午後5時過ぎ帰宅するため職場のアスンシオン大学工学部CITECの外に出たら大きい猛禽のカラカラを見た。 さらに、近くの草原に2羽の中型の鳥がいた。すこし近寄ったら近くの木に飛んで移った。オスとメスだろうか? 日本名でアマゾンカッコウと呼ばれる鳥、初めて見た。
There are two other birds in a nearby tree even more. Medium-sized birds, Will they be male and female? It is a bird called the “Guira Cuckoo” in English. 比較的近い木だけど、背を向けて写真撮影を気にしていない様子、顔を近づけたりしてペアかな?

(パラグアイ・ルケ市 2013/4/26 17:21, EX-ZR100)


pajaro18 pajaro18


( パラグアイ・ルケ市 2013/4/26 17:20, 17:21, EX-ZR100)


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