セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)

南北アメリカのカッコウでは珍しく託卵の習性を持つカッコウ (A cuckoo among the very few brood parasitic cuckoos of the Americas)

セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia) セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)

2016年1月4日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するGuazu Metropolitano Parkを散歩した。平日だったため、ジョギングをする市民もほとんどいなかった。 その上、曇りであまり暑くなかった。そのためか多くの野鳥を見ることが出来た。この日に新しく見た2種を含め28種の野鳥の写真を撮った。 こんなに多くの小鳥がいるのか!平日は仕事で忙しかったが、休暇を取ってもっと来て見ればよかった。翌日、私はパラグアイを去りました。

川沿い遊歩道を歩いているとき、電線に止っている見慣れない小鳥に気付いた。 カッコウのようだが羽毛の模様がよく見かけるアマゾンカッコウと随分違う。パラグアイではポピュラーなセスジカッコウのようだが、初めて見た。
On January 4, 2016, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. There were few peoples who jogged because it was weekdays. Besides, it was cloudy and was not so hot. Probably by these reason I was able to see many wild birds. I took photos of 28 species of wild birds including two species that I saw newly on this day. There are so many small birds here! I should have visited this park more on weekdays, though I was busy on weekdays by work. I left Paraguay the next day.
When I walked the riverside promenade, I noticed an unfamiliar bird which perched on the electric wire. It is like the cuckoo, but the plumage is very from familiar Guira cuckoo. I noticed that this bird was the Striped cuckoo that I newly saw, though it was popular in Paraguay.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 11:36, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia) セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)

I noticed that this bird was the Striped cuckoo that I newly saw, though it was popular in Paraguay. It is among the very few brood parasitic cuckoos of the Americas.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 11:36, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)

The cuckoo flew from the electric wire to the branch of the tree nearby when I approached.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 11:37, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)セスジカッコウ (Tapera naevia)

Wiki: The Striped cuckoo is among the very few brood parasitic cuckoos of the Americas.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 11:38, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


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