ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi)

ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi) ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi)

2015年4月11日、いつものニュワス公園を散歩した。公園内の一角にある枯れた立木の枝の間に細い木の枝を集めて作った大きな鳥の巣がある。 近づいてみると、巣にはニワカマドドリのつがいがいた。
April 11, 2015, I took a walk in usual Nyuwazu Park. There was a nest of bird that was made by gathered thin twigs among branches of a dead tree. There was a pair of Firewood-gatherers when I approached nearby.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:48, 10:49, Apr. 11, 2015, D810)


ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi) ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi)

セアカカマドドリは泥に草の繊維などを混ぜてかまど状の精巧な巣を作るが、このニワカマドドリは細い木の枝を沢山集めて 大きな巣を作る。「キャンプファイアーの木集め」を意味するこの鳥の英名は的を射ている。
Rufous hornero makes a precise nest of oven shape by mud mixed with some fibers, but this ovenbird makes a big nest by gathering many thin tree branches. The English name "Firewood-gatherer" of this bird shoots the mark..

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Apr. 11, 2015, D810)


ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi)ニワカマドドリ (Anumbius annumbi)

This ovenbird resembles Rufous hornero and Woodcreeper of the same family.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 10:49, Apr. 11, 2015, D810)


ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi

The second day morning of the birding tour, when we were walking the prairie in the Graciela Ranch, we met a pair of birds that were making big nest on the tree by gathering thin twigs.

(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/14-09:14, 09:15, SX50)


ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi

The brownish appearance of the bird and skilful nesting remind us the Ovenbird.

(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/14-09:15, SX50)


ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi

The brownish appearance of the bird and skilful nesting remind us the Ovenbird.

?(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/14-09:15, SX50)


ニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbiニワカマドドリ, Anumbius annumbi

This bird seems the Firewood-gatherer that is in the same family of the Ovenbird that makes the nest skillfully with mud.

(La Estancia La Graciela, Dpto. de Misiones, Paraguay 2014/09/14-09:15, 09:16, SX50)


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