Andean coot (Fulica ardesiaca )

Fulica ardesiaca Fulica ardesiaca

Pantanos de Villa湿原の中にある湖に何種類かの水鳥がいた。水鳥はオオバン、カイツブリ、ウ、カモなどだ。黒い羽毛のバンは日本で見るオオバンに良く似ている。
There were several types of waterfowls on the lake in the Pantanos de Villa wetlands. They are coot, grebe, cormorant, and duck. The coot with black feather is very similar to that to see in Japan.

(ペルー国リマ/Pantanos de Villa 2014/07/15 13:21, SX50)


Fulica ardesiaca Fulica ardesiaca

黒い羽毛のバンは日本で見るオオバンに良く似ている。The coot with black feather is very similar to that to see in Japan.

(ペルー国リマ/Pantanos de Villa 2014/07/15 13:21, SX50)


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