フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

ニュワス公園に住むフタスジヒメウソのつがいかな? (Are they a pair of Double-collared seedeater?)

フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

2015年11月14日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するもう一つの大きい公園であるGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。両公園を隔てる川にかかる橋を渡っている時、岸辺の草原に小さなヒメウソが2羽いるのに気付いた。1羽はフタスジヒメウソのオスとすぐ分かった。
On November 21, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park which was another big park contracted northwest of Nu Guazu Park. When I was crossing the bridge of the river which divides both parks, I noticed two seedeaters in the grassy plain of the bank. One of them was easily identified as a male of Double-collared seedeater.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:20, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:20, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

Another one is a female because the color of the whole body is sober with light dark brown plumage. They seem to be male and female of Double-collared seedeater because they took an action to communicate each other.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


ニュワス公園に住むフタスジヒメウソのメス (Female of Double-collared seedeater living in Ñu Guazú Park)

フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

The color of the whole body of female is sober with light dark brown plumage, thick of wings and thin of belly. The plumages of the male and female are so different that it is hard to identify them as the same species.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:21, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:21, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


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