キンノジコのオスとメス, Saffron finch male and female, Sicalis flaveola

キンノジコのペア A pair of Saffron finch, Sicalis flaveola

キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola) キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola)

南米原産のフウキンチョウであり、姿も歌声も美しいのでハワイなど他国に移入されました。 オスは明るい黄色であり額の部分はオレンジっぽい色をしています。メスは茶色っぽい縞模様の羽毛を持ちオスより地味です。
The saffron finch is a tanager native of South America, and has been introduced to other countries because its figure and singing voice are attractive. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown. The female is quieter than the male having the feather of the brown-like striped pattern.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 13:15, May 16, 2015, D810)


キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola) キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola)

The male is bright yellow with an orange crown.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 13:16, May 16, 2015, D810)


キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola) キンノジコ (Sicalis flaveola)

The female is quieter than the male having the feather of the brown-like striped pattern.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 13:14, May 16, 2015, D810)


キンノジコのペア A pair of Saffron finch, Sicalis flaveola

キンノジコ, Sicalis flaveola キンノジコ, Sicalis flaveola

ニュワス公園でキンノジコのオスとメスのペアを見かけました。翼の模様は似ていますが、 オスの羽毛は美しい黄色なのに対しメスの羽毛は白っぽく地味で随分違います。
I saw a pair of male and female of Saffron finch in Nu guazu park. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown, but female is whitish and sober. Though their pattern of wings is similar they look very different.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/10/25-10:45, SX50)


キンノジコのオスとメス, Male and female of Saffron finches

キンノジコのオスとメス, Male and female of Saffron finches キンノジコのオスとメス, Male and female of Saffron finches

ニュワス公園でキンノジコのオスとメスの群を見かけました。翼の模様は似ていますが、 オスの羽毛は美しい黄色なのに対しメスの羽毛は白っぽく地味で随分違います。
I saw a flock of male and female of Saffron finches in Nu guazu park. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown, but female is whitish and sober. Though their pattern of wings is similar they look very different.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 10:35, July 5, 2014, SX50)


キンノジコのメス, Female of Saffron finch キンノジコのメス, Female of Saffron finch

The female is quieter than the male having the feather of the brown-like striped pattern.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 10:35, July 5, 2014, SX50)


キンノジコのオスとメス, Male and female of Saffron finches キンノジコのオスとメス, Male and female of Saffron finches

ニュワス公園でキンノジコのオスとメスの群を見かけました。翼の模様は似ていますが、 オスの羽毛は美しい黄色なのに対しメスの羽毛は白っぽく地味で随分違います。
I saw a flock of male and female of Saffron finches in Nu guazu park. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown, but female is whitish and sober. Though their pattern of wings is similar they look very different.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 09´46, April 19, 2015, SX50)


キンノジコのオス, Male of Saffron finch キンノジコのメス, Female of Saffron finch

ニュワス公園でキンノジコのオスとメスの群を見かけました。翼の模様は似ていますが、 オスの羽毛は美しい黄色なのに対しメスの羽毛は白っぽく地味で随分違います。
I saw a flock of male and female of Saffron finches in Nu guazu park. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown, but female is whitish and sober. Though their pattern of wings is similar they look very different.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 09´46, April 19, 2015, SX50)


キンノジコのメス, Female of Saffron finch

キンノジコ, Sicalis flaveola キンノジコ, Sicalis flaveola

キンノジコのメスが木の枝に止まっています。木洩れ日の光と影に隠れたカモフラージュになっています。 動かなければ見つかりません。フウキンチョウは南米原産の羽毛の美しい小鳥ですが、メスは共通して地味な色をしています。 これも自然淘汰の結果なのでしょう。
Female Saffron finch is perching on a tree branch. It has become a camouflage that was hidden in the light and shadow among the tree branch. It can not be found unless it moves. Tanager is birds with beautiful feathers of South America origin, but female has a sober color in common. This may be also the result of natural selection.

(Parque Ñu Guazú in Luque, Paraguay, 2014/11/15-11:45, SX50)


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