ヒメウソのオスとメス, Male and female of Seedeaters

フタスジヒメウソのオスとメス, Double-collared seedeater male and female, Sporophila caerulescens

フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

2015年11月14日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するもう一つの大きい公園であるGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。 両公園を隔てる川にかかる橋を渡っている時、岸辺の草原に小さなヒメウソが2羽いるのに気付いた。 1羽はフタスジヒメウソのオスとすぐ分かった。もう一羽は薄い焦げ茶色でメスの特徴をしている。2羽には近づいて交流しているような行動が見られたので フタスジヒメウソのオスとメスのようだ。オスとメスの羽毛の模様は同じ種とは思えないほど異なる。
On November 21, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park which was another big park contracted northwest of Nu Guazu Park. When I was crossing the bridge of the river which divides both parks, I noticed two seedeaters in the grassy plain of the bank. One of them was easily identified as a male of Double-collared seedeater. Another one had a female characteristic with light dark brown plumage. They seem to be male and female of Double-collared seedeater because they took an action to communicate each other. The plumages of the male and female are so different that it is hard to identify them as the same species.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

This bird is a male of Double-collared seedeater judging from the color scheme of feathers with grayish brown back and white and black head.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)


フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens) フタスジヒメウソ (Sporophila caerulescens)

もう一羽は薄い焦げ茶色でメスの特徴をしている。2羽には近づいて交流しているような行動が見られたのでフタスジヒメウソのオスと メスのようだ。 オスとメスの羽毛の模様は同じ種とは思えないほど異なる。
Another one had a female characteristic with light dark brown plumage. They seem to be male and female of Double-collared seedeater because they took an action to communicate each other. The plumages of the male and female are so different that it is hard to identify them as the same species.

(Parque Nu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 08:18, Nov. 14, 2015, D810)

シロハラヒメウソのオスとメス, White-bellied seedeater male and female, Sporophila caerulescens

シロハラヒメウソ (Sporophila leucoptera) シロハラヒメウソ (Sporophila leucoptera)

2015年11月07日、大メトロポリタン公園の緑の遊歩道を歩いていたら茂みの木の枝に頭部の黒い小さい鳥が止っているのに気付いた。 このヒメウソは前回(10/31)見たシロハラヒメウソのオスのようだ。
When I was walking the Green promenade on October 31, 2015 I noticed a small bird with black head perched on the twig of bush. This seedeater seems to be male of the White-bellied seedeater which I saw last time (Oct. 31).

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:01, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)


シロハラヒメウソ, Sporophila leucoptera シロハラヒメウソ, Sporophila leucoptera

2015年10月24日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。大メトロポリタン公園の緑の遊歩道を歩いていたら前方に小さい鳥を見かけたので 写真を撮った。小鳥の頭、頬、翼は薄い焦げ茶色、喉から腹にかけて色が薄い、くちばしは黒い。公表されている他の写真と見比べると、 このヒメウソはシロハラヒメウソのメスのようだ。
On November 24, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the green promenade of Guazu Metropolitano Park I noticed a small bird forward and took photos of it This small bird is thin blackish brown from the head to the cheeks and wings, is thinner from the throat to the belly, and the bill is black. This seedeater seems to be the female of White-bellied seedeater.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:04, Oct. 24, 2015, D810)

キエリヒメウソのオスとメス, Rusty-collared seedeater male and female, Sporophila collaris

キエリヒメウソ, Sporophila collaris キエリヒメウソ, Sporophila collaris

2015年11月21日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するもう一つの大きい公園であるGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。 プリンシパル湖に行くと、湖の岸に生えている草に小さい茶色っぽい小鳥が止っていた。 この小鳥は、頭から頬にかけて黒褐色、喉は白、腹は濃い茶色、翼は濃い黒褐色である。羽毛の黒褐色の模様が目立つキエリヒメウソのオスだ。
On November 21, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park which was another big park contracted northwest of Nu Guazu Park. When I went to Principal Lake, a small brownish bird was perched on the grass growing on the lake shore. This small bird is blackish brown from the head to the cheeks, the throat is white, the belly is dark brown, and the wing is dark blackish brown. It is a male of Rusty-collared seedeater with outstanding brownish plumage.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:19, November 21, 2015, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

2015年10月24日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。大メトロポリタン公園の緑の遊歩道を歩いていたら前方に 小さい鳥を見かけたので写真を撮った。小鳥の頭、頬、翼は焦げ茶色、喉から腹にかけて白っぽい茶色、くちばしは黒い。 公表されている他の写真 と見比べると、このヒメウソはキエリヒメウソのメスのようだ。
On November 24, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the green promenade of Guazu Metropolitano Park I noticed a small bird forward and took photos of it. This small bird is blackish brown from the head to the cheeks and wings, is whitish brown from the throat to the belly, and the bill is black. This seedeater seems to be the female of Rusty-collared seedeater.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:30, Oct. 24, 2015, D810)

ミナミカワリヒメウソのオス, Variable seedeater male, Sporophila corvina

ミナミカワリヒメウソ (Sporophila corvina) ミナミカワリヒメウソ (Sporophila corvina)

2015年12月26日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano Parkを散歩した。散歩道近くの木の枝に背中の黒っぽい小鳥が止っていた。 頭部は黒いが頬の部分が白いのでホオジロヒメウソのオスかと思った。しかし、背中が焦げ茶色で翼に白いスポットがなく 体形もかなり異なる。変わったヒメウソだ、とすれば、忍者のように羽毛模様のバリエーションが多いカワリヒメウソではないか。
On December 26, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. A small bird with blackish back perched on the branch of the tree close to the promenade. I thought whether it was a male Lined seedeater because the head was black and the part of cheeks was white. However, the back is dark brown and the wing does not have a white spot, and the figure is considerably different. This bird is a strange seedeater, and then the bird may be much Variable seedeater that has much variation of the plumage like Ninjya.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:11, Dec. 26, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメス, Female Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年11月14日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するGuazu Metropolitano Parkを散歩した。 プリンシパル湖に行くと、近くの林の木の枝に止って小さい実を食べている小鳥を見かけた。 羽毛の色はヒメウソのメスの特徴をしている。ヒメウソのメスはどれも良く似ていて種の判別がむずかしい。
On November 21, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I went to Principal Lake, I saw a small brownish bird perching on the branch of the tree of the forest near the Lake and eating small seeds of the tree. The plumage of the bird has characteristic of a female seedeater. All females of? the Seedeater resemble closely and it is hard to identify their species.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:35, November 14, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメスまたはオスの幼鳥, Female or young male Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年11月07日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。大メトロポリタン公園の緑の遊歩道を歩いていたら 茂みの木の枝に頭部の黒い小さい鳥が止っているのに気付いた。シロハラヒメウソのオスのようだ。近くに姿は似ているが色が地味な小鳥もいた。 この2羽は一緒にいる様子なのでつがいだろうか?ヒメウソのメスは種によらず似ているので判別が困難だ。 公表されている他の写真とも見比べる必要がある。他の写真と比較検討した結果、以前(10月24日)、 撮影したヒメウソがシロハラヒメウソのメスのようだ。

On October 31, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the Green promenade I noticed a small bird with black head perched on the twig of bush. It seemed to be male of the White-bellied seedeater. There was a similar small bird with quiet color near the male bird. These two birds might be pairs since they are together. It is difficult to identify species of seedeater females because they resemble each other. It is necessary to compare with other photos open to public. As a result of having compared it against other photos, the seedeater which I took photos before (Oct. 24, 2015) is the female of White-bellied seedeater.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:01, Nov. 07, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメスまたはオスの幼鳥, Female or young male Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年12月6日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。川沿いの散歩道を歩いていたら 前方の電線に茶色っぽい小さい鳥が止った。小鳥の体の上面は焦げ茶色、下面は白っぽい薄茶色、くちばしは赤茶色である。 ヒメウソのメスの特徴を持つが、オスの幼鳥の可能性もある。
On November 6, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the riverside promenade a small brownish bird perched on the electric wire in front of me.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 10:22, Dec. 6, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメスまたはオスの幼鳥, Female or young male Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年12月6日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。川沿いの散歩道を歩いていたら道に沿った茂みの 小枝に茶色っぽい小さい鳥が止った。体の上面は焦げ茶色、下面は白っぽい薄茶色、くちばしは薄い赤茶色である。 小鳥はヒメウソのメスの特徴を持つが、オスの幼鳥の可能性もある。
On November 6, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the riverside promenade a small brownish bird perched on the twig of a bush along the road. The top surface of the body of the bird is dark brown, the undersurface is whitish light brown and the bill is thin chestnut brown. The bird has a characteristic of a female seedeater but it is also possible to be a young male.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:33, Dec. 8, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメスまははオスの幼鳥, Female or young male Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年12月26日、12月31日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano Parkを散歩した。プリンシパル湖から帰る途中、散歩道横の茂みで 草の実を食べているヒメウソのメスと思われる小鳥に出会った。小鳥のくちばしは黒く、体は黄土色っぽい。 シロハラヒメウソのメスに似ているが、顔つきがかなり異なる。
On December 26 and 31, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. On the way back from Principal Lake I came across a small bird like female seedeater which was eating grass seeds in a bush beside the promenade. The bill of the bird is black and the body is thin yellowish brown. It resembles the female of White-bellied seedeater but looks are considerably different.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:47, Dec. 31, 2015, D810)

ヒメウソのメスまたはオスの幼鳥, Female or young male Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2015年1月3日、ニュワス公園内を散歩した。以前ヒメウソを見た湖畔の草原に行くと、小さい小鳥の群が動き回っていた。 しばらく静かに見た結果では複数の種類の小鳥がいるようだが、小さい上に草や小枝に隠れて肉眼では区別が難しい。 フタスジヒメウソが草の実を食べている近くにもう一羽の小鳥がいた。体全体が茶色っぽく見えたのでメスかなと思ったが、 写真を見るとそうでもないようだ。若いヒメウソのオスかもしれない。
January 3, 2015, I took a walk in Nu guazu Park. When I went to the grassland near the pond where I saw Seedeater last time, group of small birds were moving around. It seemed there were more than one type of bird after seeing them for a while quietly, but it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye because they were small and hidden in grass and twigs. There was another bird near the Double-collared seedeater that was eating the grass seed. Although I thought it would be a female seedeater since the entire body looked brownish, it seemed different after looking at the photos. It may be a young male of the seedeater.

(Parque Nu guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 2015/01/03-09:54, SX50)

ヒメウソのメス, Female Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2014年11月29日、草原へと続く林を歩いていたら目の前の木の枝に1羽の小さい小鳥が止まった。 この小鳥はくちばしの形からseedeaterと思われる。全身の色が地味なのでメスだが、seedeaterのメスはどの種類も似ているので判定が難しい。 前回Double-collared seedeaterのオスの写真を撮ったので、多分そのメスではないだろうか。
November 29, 2014, when I was walking the forest leading to the grassland one small bird perched on a branch of a tree in front of me. This bird seems to be seedeater from the shape of the beak. It is a female because the color of the whole body is sober, but it is difficult to determine the species because female of any kind of seedeater is similar. I suppose this bird is the female of the Double-collared seedeater, because I took the photo of its male last time.

(Parque Nu guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 09:19, Nov. 29, 2014, SX50)

ヒメウソのメス, Female Seedeater

ヒメウソ, Seedeater ヒメウソ, Seedeater

2014年10月4日、アスンシオン中心街からバスで30分くらいの所にあるニュワス公園(Parque Nu guazu)に行った。 広い草原があるので草の種を食べる小鳥も多い。草原でスズメより小さい小鳥を見かけた。 この公園では初めて見るフウキンチョウ科のヒメウソのようだ。 フウキンチョウのオスは色鮮やかな種が多いがメスは地味で似た色合いの種が多く区別が難しい。
October 4, 2014, I went to Nyuwasu park (Parque Nu guazu) in the place of about 30 minutes by bus from Asuncion city center. There are many seedeater birds because there are wide meadows. I saw a bird smaller than a sparrow in the grassland. It seems the Sporophila of tanager family to see the first time in this park. Tanagers are often brightly colored. Males are typically more brightly colored than females. It is hard to distinguish female species because their color are more uniform and do not have special characteristics. This bird seems to be a female of the Double-collared seedeater.

(Parque Nu guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 09:25, Oct. 4, 2014, SX50)


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