コウカンチョウ, Red-crested cardinal, Paroaria coronata

目前でいろんなポーズを見せたコウカンチョウ, A Cardinal which showed various poses nearby

コウカンチョウ, Paroaria coronata コウカンチョウ,  Paroaria coronata

2016年1月2日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。プリンシパル湖に通じる遊歩道を歩いていると、 路傍の小枝を動き回るコウカンチョウに気付いた。
On January 2, 2016, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the promenade abreast of Principal Lake I noticed a Red-crested cardinal moving about the twig of a roadside tree.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:27, Jan. 2, 2016, D810)


コウカンチョウ, Paroaria coronata コウカンチョウ,  Paroaria coronata

コウカンチョウはパラグアイやその周辺国で見られる南米の固有種であり、パラグアイではポピュラーな鳥だ。 腹部は白いが頭部と冠羽が赤い羽毛の配色が大変目立つ。街の中でもこの子鳥を見かけるが意外と神経質で近寄ると飛び去ってしまうことが多かった。
Red-crested cardinal is a South American endemic species to be seen in Paraguay and neighbor countries, and is popular bird in Paraguay. The plumage with the white belly and the red head and plumes is outstanding very much. This bird is seen even in town, but unexpectedly nervous and often flied away when I approached it.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:27, Jan. 2, 2016, D810)


コウカンチョウ, Paroaria coronata コウカンチョウ, Paroaria coronata

This time, the bird did not fly away even I took photos of it at close point and showed me various poses.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:28, Jan. 2, 2016, D810)


コウカンチョウ, Paroaria coronata コウカンチョウ,  Paroaria coronata

The cardinal perched on a horizontal twig and watched me. Indeed, it is the pose that the bird has became a model of my camera.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:28, Jan. 2, 2016, D810)


コウカンチョウ,  Paroaria coronata コウカンチョウ,  Paroaria coronata

Why would the cardinal move around the twigs? It is rare in three year to have watched such a rare action of the cardinal.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 08:29, Jan. 2, 2016, D810)


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