ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus)

白いアイリングのフウキンチョウ (A tanager with white eye rings)

ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus) ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus)

2015年12月20日、前日から雨だったが、朝になって晴れたのでニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。プリンシパル湖周辺を散策して、 往路と別の道を帰った。その道の電柱に見慣れない小鳥が止まっているのに気付いた。近寄ったら飛び去り道路沿いに木に止った。
On December 20, 2015, it had been raining from yesterday but was clear in the morning. I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and Guazu Metropolitano Park. I strolled in around the lake and came back through the way which was different from the road of coming in. I noticed an unfamiliar small bird perching on the electric pole of the way. The bird flew away and perched on a tree along the road when I approached it.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:53, Dec. 20, 2015, D810)


ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus) ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus)

The bird moved on the tree nearby.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:53, Dec. 20, 2015, D810)


ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus) ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus)

その小鳥の写真を撮っているとまた電柱に戻ってきた。順光で撮れたので色が良く分かった。腹部が赤っぽく、白いアイリングがある。 フウキンチョウ科のベニイタダキと分かった。ポピュラーな小鳥らしいが初めて見た。
The bird returned the electric pole again when I took the photos of it. I saw the color well because I was able to take photos in order light. The belly is reddish and there is a white eye ring. It was Red pileated finch of the tanager family. It seems to be a popular bird but I saw it for the first time.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:55, Dec. 20, 2015, D810)


ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus) ベニイタダキ (Coryphospingus cucullatus)

順光で撮れたので色が良く分かった。腹部が赤っぽく、白いアイリングがある。フウキンチョウ科のベニイタダキと分かった。 ポピュラーな小鳥らしいが初めて見た。
I saw the color well because I was able to take photos in order light. The belly is reddish and there is a white eye ring. It was Red pileated finch of the tanager family. It seems to be a popular bird but I saw it for the first time.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:55, Dec. 20, 2015, D810)


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