キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

草の実を食べるキエリヒメウソ (Rusty-collared seedeater having bait of grass seeds)

キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

2016年1月4日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。大メトロポリタン(Guazu Metropolitano)公園の 緑の散歩道(Paseo Verde)を歩いていると、草むらで草の小さい実を食べている小鳥に気付いた。羽毛の黒褐色の模様が目立つキエリヒメウソのオスだ。
On January 4, 2016, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the green promenade of Guazu Metropolitano Park, I noticed a small bird which was eating a small seed of a grass. It is a male of Rusty-collared seedeater with outstanding brownish plumage.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:31, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

The seedeater was eating small seeds of a grass one by one.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:31, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

The seed of small grass is big enough for this small seedeater.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:31, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

The seedeater flew and moved slightly farther. There was another seedeater there.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:32, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

そのヒメウソの体形はキエリヒメウソのオスと似ているが、羽毛の模様は大きく異なる。頭部から背中にかけて模様の薄い焦げ茶色、 腹部は白っぽい、くちばしは暗い赤茶色だ。
The figure of the seedeater looks like the male of Rusty-collared seedeater, but the plumage is greatly different. This seedeater is dark brown from the head to the back, down parts are whitish and the bill is gloomy chestnut brown.

すぐ近くで一緒に餌をとる行動をしているので、この2羽はつがいだろうか?ヒメウソのメスは種によらず似ているので判別が困難だ。 公表されている他の写真とも見比べる必要がある。他の写真と比較検討した結果、以前(10月24日)、 撮影したヒメウソがキエリヒメウソのメスで、今回のヒメウソはシロハラヒメウソ(オス)の幼鳥ではないだろうか。
These two birds might be pairs since they are taking an action of having bait together. It is difficult to identify species of seedeater females because they resemble each other. It is necessary to compare with other photos open to public. As a result of having compared it against other photos, the seedeater which I took photos before (Oct. 24, 2015) is the female of Rusty-collared seedeater, and that of these photos may be a young White-bellied seedeater male.

(Guazu Metropolitano Park in Luque, Paraguay, 09:31, Jan. 4, 2016, D810)


キエリヒメウソのメス (Female of Rusty-collared seedeater)

キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

2015年10月24日、ニュワス公園とGuazu Metropolitano公園を散歩した。大メトロポリタン公園の緑の遊歩道を歩いていたら前方に小さい鳥を見かけたので写真を撮った。
On November 24, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park. When I was walking the green promenade of Guazu Metropolitano Park I noticed a small bird forward and took photos of it.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:28, Oct. 24, 2015, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

When I approached the bird it flew and moved to a twig from the grass.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:29, Oct. 24, 2015, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

This small bird is blackish brown from the head to the cheeks and wings, is whitish brown from the throat to the belly, and the bill is black. This seedeater seems to be the female of Rusty-collared seedeater.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 09:30, Oct. 24, 2015, D810)


小さいが目立つヒメウソ (Small but outstanding seedeater)

キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

2015年11月14日、ニュワス公園と北西に接するもう一つの大きい公園であるGuazu Metropolitano Parkの両方を散歩した。 プリンシパル湖に行くと、湖の岸に生えている木の枝に小さい茶色っぽい小鳥が止っていた。
On November 21, 2015, I strolled in Nu Guazu Park and adjacent Guazu Metropolitano Park which was another big park contracted northwest of Nu Guazu Park. When I went to Principal Lake, a small brownish bird was perched on the branch of a tree growing on the lake shore.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:23, November 14, 2015, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

湖の岸に生えている木の枝に小さい茶色っぽい小鳥が止っていた。草の実を食べるヒメウソ属の小鳥だろうと思ったが、 こんな色をしたヒメウソを見るのは初めてだった。小枝が邪魔だが、近いので小鳥の特徴は良く分かる。
A small brownish bird was perched on the branch of a tree growing on the lake shore. I thought it would be a bird of seedeater group, but it was my first time to see the seedeater of this special kind of color. A feature of the bird is visible well since it was close though a twig is disturbing.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:23, November 14, 2015, D810)

キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)


The small bird does preening whether the meal was over yet.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:23, November 14, 2015, D810)


キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris) キエリヒメウソ (Sporophila collaris)

この小鳥は、頭から頬にかけて黒褐色、喉は白、腹は濃い茶色、翼は濃い黒褐色である。 こんなに特徴のある小鳥はすぐ判別できるだろうと思ったが意外と探せない。ヒメウソ属のWhite‐collared Seedeater, シロエリヒメウソと Rusty‐collared Seedeater, キエリヒメウソに似ている。ブラジルやパラグアイなどで見られると記録されているキエリヒメウソのオスではないだろうか。 頭の色がやや薄いのは若いためかもしれない。
This small bird is blackish brown from the head to the cheeks, the throat is white, the belly is dark brown, and the wing is dark blackish brown. I thought I might identify the bird immediately because of its characteristic color, but could not look for suitable species unexpectedly. It may be a male Rusty‐collared Seedeater which is recorded to live in around Brazil and Paraguay. The reason why the color of the head is slightly light may be attributed to its youth.

(Parque Guazu Metropolitano in Luque, Paraguay, 10:23, November 14, 2015, D810)


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