ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

未知の小鳥との遭遇 (Close encounters of the new bird)

ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox) ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

両公園を分ける小川にかかる橋を渡ってGuazu Metropolitano公園からニュワス公園に入ろうとしたら、岸辺の木の枝に1羽の小鳥がいるのに気付いた。 姿はタイランチョウだが頭でっかちに見える。初めて見るタイランチョウかな?
When I was going to enter Ñu Guazu Park from Guazu Metropolitano Park crossing the bridge on a small river which divide the both park, I noticed a small bird on the tree branch of the river bank. The body looks the flycatcher but the head seems comparatively big. Is this the first encounter to this bird?

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:14, August 29, 2015, D810)


ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox) ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

小鳥は頭から背中にかけて茶色っぽい色をしている。腹部は薄い黄色だ。喉元に羽毛が多く頭部が大きく見える。 図鑑にはBrown-crested flycatcher, Swainson's flycatcher, Short-crested flycatcherがパラグアイ全域に住む鳥として載っている。 とても似ていて区別が困難だが頭部の特徴はShort-crested flycatcherに一番近いように見える。
The small bird has a brown-like color from the head to the back. The abdomen is light yellow. There is a lot of throat feathers and then the head looks big. Brown-crested flycatcher, Swainson's flycatcher and Short-crested flycatcher appear in an illustrated book as birds living throughout Paraguay. Three birds are similar very much, and it is hard to distinguish, but the characteristic of the head seems to be the nearest to Short-crested flycatcher.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:14, August 29, 2015, D810)


ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox) ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

A lot of feathers of the throat make the small bird to be characteristic.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:14, August 29, 2015, D810)


ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox) ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

The bird flew and perched on a different branch nearby. The back looks good this time.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:14, August 29, 2015, D810)


ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox) ハシグロオオヒタキモドキ (Myiarchus ferox)

頭部と背中の特徴から、この小鳥はShort-crested flycatcherではないだろうか。
From the characteristic of the head and the back, this small bird may be Short-crested flycatcher.

(Parque Ñu Guazu in Luque, Paraguay, 11:14, August 29, 2015, D810)


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