ベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し (Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet)

これは何のしぐさ?口を大きく開いたバーミリオン君 (What is this gesture? Mr. Vermillion with his wide-open mouth)
ビデオ映像の中にバーミリオン君が口を大きく開くシーンがあった。くちばしが小さいのでこんなに大きく口を開けるなんて予想外だった。これは何のしぐさかな?可能性1. 近くを虫が通ったので止まったまま捕獲しようとした。2. 昆虫の外骨格など未消化食物をペリットとして吐き出した。3. 力いっぱいさえずった。ビデオにはさえずりは記録されていなかったので3を除外する。大きく口を開けた画面(写真2, 3, 4)には虫は写っていない。写真5の口の中に何か詰まっているように見える。写真6, 7に小鳥から離れていく黒い物体が写っている。ビデオをコマ送りして見た結果、その黒い物体は放物線を描いて落ちていくように見えた。確証のためには再現ビデオ撮影が必要だが、現時点でバーミリオン君がペリット吐き出した珍しい映像と結論しておきます。

There was a scene of Mr. Vermillion who widely opened his mouth in the video footage. It was unexpected manner that he opened his mouth so widely since his beak is small. What is this gesture? Possibility: 1. He intended to capture insect that passed by. 2. He ejected pellet the undigested parts of his food as exoskeletons of insects. 3. He is singing with full power. No singing in video record, so 3 is omitted. No insects were seen in the photo 2, 3 and 4 where he opened the mouth widely. It appears to be jammed something in his mouth in the photo 5. In the photo 6 and 7, a black object is seen which moves apart from him. When I saw the video frame-by-frame, I could see the black object to go down in parabolic curve. Reproduce video shoot is necessary to confirm this, but at this time I conclude this is a rare scene of Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet.

ベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pelletベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet



Vermillion Flycatcher opened his mouth very widely while perching.

(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50) 


ベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pelletベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet


This is unexpected manner that he opened his mouth so widely since his beak is small.

.(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50) 


ベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pelletベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet


It appears to be jammed something in the mouth. It appeared a black object jumped out from the mouth when he shook his head to the left when I looked in the video frame-by-frame. His body gesture also seems that he spit out something. .(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50)


ベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pelletベニタイランチョウのペリット吐き出し, Vermillion Flycatcher that ejected pellet


When I saw the video frame-by-frame, I could see the black object to go down in parabolic curve.

(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50)


ベニタイランチョウとハチ(Vermillion Flycatcher and Bee)

ベニタイランチョウとハチ(Vermillion Flycatcher and Bee) 「小さい秋」の記事に誤りがありましたので訂正します。後日(5/30)、同じ場所でベニタイランチョウをカメラのビデオモードで撮影していたら花の近くにアシナガバチのような昆虫が飛んで来てビデオ判定できました。この映像を見ると確かに足の長いハチです。セセリチョウではありませんでした。ベニタイランチョウは近くを飛ぶこのハチには全く無関心のように見えます。

I will correct the article “A piece of autumn” because there was a mistake of understanding. Later on May 30, 2014, I was able to do video judgment of the insect like paper wasp which came flying in the vicinity of the flowers when I was taking video of the Vermillion Flycatcher. Seeing the video it is certain that this insect is a bee with long legs. It was not the skipper butterfly. Vermillion Flycatcher looks like totally indifferent to this bee flying near by.

ベニタイランチョウとハチ, Vermillion Flycatcher and Beeベニタイランチョウとハチ, Vermillion Flycatcher and Bee

While I was taking a video of Vermillion Flycatcher an insect like bee with stretched out long legs came flying to the flower. It stopped on the flower. Overall body is darker and there is a yellow pattern in the center of the wing (left center of photo 2).

(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50)


ベニタイランチョウとハチ, Vermillion Flycatcher and Beeベニタイランチョウとハチ, Vermillion Flycatcher and Bee


It flew in closer. If you look at the appearance viewed from the side, the border of the chest and belly is like a sandglass. It is surely a bee with a pair of long legs.

(パラグアイ国ルケ市CITEC構内 2014/05/28-10:34, SX50) 


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