フエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrix

絶妙な配色の顔を持つ南米のサギ, South American heron with exquisite color scheme of face

フエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrixフエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrix

緑の都公園 (Parque Capital Verde)の北西部はパラグアイ川に接していた。パラグアイ川に接する草原に中型のサギが2羽現れた。以前見たことのあるフエフキサギだ。
The northwestern part of Capital Verde Park contacted with the Paraguay River. Two medium sized herons appeared on the grassy plain adjacent to the Paraguay River. It was the Whistling heron which I saw before.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 10:11, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


フエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrixフエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrix

The head top is black, regions around the eyes is light blue, the most part of the bill is pink and its head is black, the color scheme of this exquisite face and the long plumes can be seen. It is said that this species eats any small dryland and marsh animals it can catch.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 10:12, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


フエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrixフエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrix

There are also features on how to walk; the bird is looking for prey on tiptoe.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 10:24, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


フエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrixフエフキサギ, Syrigma sibilatrix

There are also features on how to walk; the bird is looking for prey on tiptoe. This heron does an action to ruffle the feathers when excited and makes the whole body looks big. The action of this time may be because there were a group of Grayish baywings nearby.

(Parque Capital Verde in Asuncion, Paraguay, 10:26, Dec. 27, 2015, D810)


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